Why Wine & Yoga?

A letter from the Founder of Drunk Yoga®:

First, let me say that while our brand’s name is cheeky and provocative, our spirit(s) are yogic and heart-centered. With reverence to the roots of yoga tradition, we approach our community-building entertainment experiences with a modern, performative twist to enhance accessibility, fun, and a sense of belonging.

Drunk Yoga® is not about the wine…nor the yoga. It’s about community, and using the combination of the social ritual of a beverage in-hand (like a glass of wine, a cup of coffee, your favorite juice…or anything else that makes you happy!) in collaboration with uplifting, interactive mindful movement to teach the art of cultivating personal joy through the magic of connecting with others.

So…what’s “drunk” about Drunk Yoga?

…Only our intoxication with joy, community, and life! We use the word “drunk” suggestively and provocatively—not descriptively. To us, “drunk” means “an altered state of being,” and our mission is to turn yoga into a party so that you feel empowered to lift your spirit(s), and to help uplift those around you. We “alter” traditional yoga by making the experience interactive and social through “yoga drinking games” and partner exercises (great for team-building!), as well as by hosting our classes outside of traditional yoga studios to make the practice accessible to newbies otherwise too intimidated to try.

Of course, we get a lot of raised eyebrows at the words “drunk” and “yoga” used together. And listen, I get it. It’s provocative. It’s edgy. But you know what else? It’s fun. And we think fun is important;)

Regardless of whether you’re a wine-lover, I’ll assume we can all agree that the social ritual of a happy hour is a device that brings us together to enjoy each other’s company in a less restricted, deliberate way. Traditional yoga…doesn’t.

And that’s fine! To be clear: I LOVE “sober” yoga. After having completed my 500+ hrs. of yoga teacher training in New York City and India, I’ve developed a refined appreciation for the art of mindfully moving one’s body n’ mind in time and space to cultivate a deeper relationship to the universe at large. My ritualistic morning practice is the best part of my day. Whether I practice for 10 minutes or 2 hours, to me, yoga is a humbling practice that reminds me not to take myself too seriously. Traditional yoga offers great techniques to help you calm your mind and develop a more profound relationship to yourself. That said, conventional yoga disciplines can make newbies feel…a bit nervous. Yoga is hard, it’s weird, it’s vulnerable, and let’s be honest…iiiiiit can be a little pretentious. (There. I said it.) #namasteresponsibly

Because of this, I wanted to start a business, or a movement, rather, that makes yoga fun. I wanted to figure out a way to create an experience that enhances everything I already love about yoga by making it communal. Where everyone inherently has permission to be themselves, talk to each other, offer ideas, laugh, dance, and engage with the present in real time. No yoga soldiers. Just yoga friends. 

I knew that in order to achieve this, I needed to break down the “4th wall” (oh hey #theaterschool) and truly interact with one another so we can combat loneliness and foster belonging (in a world that desperately needs more of both, don’t ya think?) I figured, what better way to make people feel comfortable enough to really participate in a yoga class than by creating the container for it to feel uplifting? Like, oh, I don’t know…a party with a glass of wine in your hand? 

The combination of wine and yoga in Drunk Yoga® classes is for the sole purpose of lifting spirit(s) (…pun absolutely intended), and to turn yoga into an opportunity to socialize—and not at all for the sake of “doing yoga drunkenly.” Nope. The only experience we want you to feel intoxicated with is happiness. ✌️

So…my mission? To offer Drunk Yoga® as an entertainment experience led through the vehicle of a yoga class to lift your spirits, so that you may feel empowered to uplift others. Because no matter the method, we’re #bettertogether.

Still have questions? Write to us!


